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Javascript Fundamentals

Enrollment in this course is by invitation only

About This Course

The "JavaScript Fundamentals" course is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to the core concepts of JavaScript, one of the most widely used programming languages in web development.

This course aims to equip learners with the basics of JavaScript, a powerful and flexible language used to create interactive websites and web applications. The course begins with an introduction to JavaScript, its importance, and how it works with web browsers to create enhanced user experiences.

By the end of the course, learners will have a solid foundation in JavaScript, enabling them to create interactive web applications and contribute to modern web development projects.

Course Structure

The course covers the following key areas:

  1. 1. **Basics of JavaScript**: Understanding variables, data types, operators, control structures, and functions.
  2. 2. **Object-Oriented Programming in JavaScript**: Exploring objects, methods, the 'this' keyword, and built-in objects.
  3. 3. **DOM Manipulation**: Learning how to interact with the Document Object Model (DOM) to dynamically control web elements.
  4. 4. **Event Handling**: Understanding how to respond to user interactions through events.
  5. 5. **Error Handling and Debugging**: Techniques to troubleshoot and debug code effectively.


  • Basic understanding of HTML and CSS is recommended.

Course Author

JC Payumo image

John Carlo Payumo

BS - Computer Science (Ateneo de Davao University)

Software Developer (Ingenuity)